Season 2 Episode 16: Roadblocks to Neuroinclusion - Who’s Standing in the Way?
Achieving neuroinclusion shouldn’t be hard—but systemic barriers, outdated policies, and gatekeepers continue to block access to education, employment, and opportunity. In this season finale, we explore the roadblocks …
Season 2 Episode 2: Empowering Exceptional Minds
In this episode of Think Differently, we sit down with Deborah Giannarelli, a distinguished educator and advocate for gifted and twice-exceptional children where we talk about the power of exceptional minds. From education to the workplace….
Season 1 Episode 12: The Dilemma of Disclosure for Accommodations
In this compelling episode, we explore the world of disability disclosure in professional settings. As we all strive for success, the question arises: Should one have to reveal a disability to receive necessary..
Season 1 Episode 11: Ignite Opportunities for Exceptional Individuals
In a world that reveres words like "gifted," "genius," and "exceptional," the allure they cast is often accompanied by a reality of hurdles. Because the truth is that it is hard to navigate a society structured around normalized standards when…